Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Entrepreneurs and Success

I have been incredibly fortunate to have had a great number of opportunities to build relationships with Entrepreneurs and financially successful BusinessPeople. There is a definitive distinction between an entrepreneur and a businessperson. It bears mentioning that possessing an entrepreneurial spirit does not always equate to financial success or satisfactory goal achievement. If you are an Entrepreneur who is experiencing difficulties in achieving your goals keep these two thoughts in mind and consider whether they make sense to initiate a positive response to move forward with your endeavors.

FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS - Be diligent in creating your business plan and be extremely thorough with your goal planning. There are many elements that affect our businesses as there are many things and people we affect with our businesses. Take all into account: family, faith, recreation, time commitments, the economy, your chosen profession, weather, history, background, etc. After all your due diligence has produced the documents that are the stepping stones to your successful future share them with the important people in your life. Be absolutely sure that all agree the stepping stones are the right ones for all to follow. Then focus and stay focused! Entrepreneurs tend to have to many tentacles in motion without the necessary effort and attention being paid to the one tentacle that needs your full commitment.

GET HELP - Entrepreneurs tend to harbor the belief that they possess expertise in associated fields of business. Do not make decisions you are not qualified to make. Build a team of trusted advisers and then question every decision and response. Nobody knows it all in business. Amass and process enough information to produce the best qualified decision that is going to get you on the right path, keep you on the right path while continuing to move forward on that right path. You never want to have to look back in business. Find a support group and assemble a consulting Board of Directors.

More to come,


1 comment:

K Hansen said...

Thanks for these words of advice about focusing on our businesses. It's too easy to do the things we enjoy FIRST and leave the planning and administrative tasks for later. Then 'later' never comes because of the tyranny of the urgent. I appreciate the wisdom of this blog, Chuck.