Saturday, January 2, 2010

more marketing 101

In June 2009, I set up a website for Little Academy Faye's School in Swaziland [South Africa]. The website has not been pulling in donations like the owners of the school expected, so one of the owners sent me an email and complained. read more....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Peter, I read content after the jump and it seems you have done a excellent job of sharing examples on how a not for profit can lead a gift horse to water and make it drink (how do you like those mixed metaphors?) Anyway, it sounds like under the about us secion, they need to have background info about he "Amercian contingent" behind hte effort, for example, family that promote and also affilation with a church or other non-profits. There also need to be a "how you can help" tab with details about how to dontate time, money and supplies. I gotta say that you are right on point with your comments, that a website is not majic, and if not utilized properly, its just an expense and not an asset.