Thursday, March 15, 2012

Book review of “The Referral of a Lifetime by Tim Templeton” for Entrepreneurs' Connection

Don't Wait! click here to buy it now at Amazon!

Like Who Moved My Cheese?, this book is a management tome in the form of a simple, readable narrative. In The Referral of a Lifetime, Tim Templeton shares a system for building a business on continuing relationships with customers and "center of influence" referral sources, and referred customers.
This extremely quick read has a handful of business principles woven into the story of a disheartened businesswoman, Susie McCumber, and her desperation to boost her career. Along the way she meets a spiritual and corporate mentor, David Highground, who spews various prescriptions that aren't all that shocking: business is about relationships; create a massive network; "Keep in touch, consistently, personally and systematically"; and so on. Templeton shows how understanding one's type allows one to showcase strengths while improving weak areas in this simple, easy-to-use guide to success in business and in life.

The story follows a simple path. Mr. Highground, introduces Susie to four successful people. They show her how they transformed their businesses and their lives by determining how others view them and how they view themselves as both human beings and businesspeople. Each of the four represents a "type" in this schema - from the "relational/business" type who puts the relationship first but thinks strategically when the talk turns to business, to the "business/business" type, who avoids relationships unless they work to a business advantage.

This is a great book that you can pick up and read in one night. I highly recommend this book  for anyone who has a team they work with and want to relate better or for anyone who wants to improve themselves.

If you would like to read this book then click here and pick up a copy.

Robert Biro


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