Thursday, March 8, 2012

How to Make People like You in 90 Seconds or Less

Book cover for How to make people like you in 90 seconds or less
Book review of “How to Make People like You in 90 Seconds or Less” for Entrepreneurs' Connection

Making people like you in ninety seconds is no big deal if you know how to do it. As a matter of fact, if people don't like you in those first few seconds, it's going to be difficult (Not impossible though, mind you) to make them like you later anyway. So the first few seconds are critical.

 How do you use those first few seconds? Is that really possible? Author Nicholas Boothman, a lecturer and licensed master practitioner of neuro-linguistic programming, believes yes! In How to Make People like You in 90 Seconds or Less he introduces a revolutionary approach to face-to-face communication that will help anyone succeed at making meaningful, and immediate, connections.

Boothman breaks down the process of connecting with people into discrete steps--meeting, establishing rapport and opening up communication--and provides simple examples, self-assessments, exercises and sample dialogue. He contends that a key to establishing rapport lies in synchronizing behavior or mimicking the other person's pose, facial expression, gestures, body language and tone of voice. According to the principles of neuro-linguistic programming, Nicholas Boothman recommends categorizing people according to how they take in information (e.g., visually, aurally or by feel) and responding in kind.

Can the book how to Make People like You in 90 Seconds or Less really teach you to form a favorable impression in such a small amount of time?  I would say it’s definitely helped me. Just knowing and practicing some of the steps has increased my ability to get more appointments and sit downs in both my personal and business circles.  Understanding the framework and process alone will give you a better understanding on how or why someone connects with you.

This book is a great read and Boothman’s writing style is very easy to get through. I don't think all of the ideas Boothman suggests could be fully utilized in 90 seconds, but it was still an interesting read. Good tips that I look forward to trying out!

If you would like to read this book then click here and pick up a copy.

Robert Biro


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